
A tip notification is sent following every in-app pickup or delivery order. In order to receive tip notifications, you must enable both the notifications option inside the app itself as well as your notification options inside your device settings. Please find instructions for turning on tip notifications below. This process may need to be repeated following OS updates as those updates sometimes affect notification preferences.


In-App Tip Notifications

1.) Tap 'More'

2.) Tap 'Account Settings'

3.) Tap 'Notification Preferences'

4.) If the 'Tipping Notifications' slider is gray - tap it & slide to the right until it turns purple


iOS Notifications

1.) Open the settings app on your iPhone

2) Tap on "Notifications'

3.) Swipe through your app menu until you find The Coffee Bean Rewards

4.)  If the 'Allow Notifications' slider is gray - tap it & slide to the right until it turns green

5.) If you are still not receiving the notifications, try adding alerts like the lock screen display option 


Android Notifications

1.) Open your settings menu

2) Select 'Apps'

3.) Select The Coffee Bean Rewards

4.)  If the 'Show Notifications' slider is gray - tap it & slide to the right until it turns blue

5.) If you are still not receiving the notifications, please ensure the menu sub options are enabled, such as direct notifications 


When ordering delivery, you will also have the option to tip your courier on the checkout screen.